Blogger BlogNet2671

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Can One Make Any Real Money Blogging?


It has been said, arguably, that many of the very things that make blogging a 'natural' choice for affiliate promotions are what make blogging the wrong way to effectively market as an affiliate.

First of all, let's take on the very blogosphere itself. It's a crowded place. It is true that the blogosphere is filled with a variety of interests, and holds something for everyone, but in the midst of all that interest, it's increasingly hard to be found. Even the best, most prolific, and most dedicated bloggers take months and years to build a solid following. A blog is absolutely not the place to go for instant traffic.

The community aspect of blogging can be great, but couldn't it also be a bust? All that commenting and free-for-all outside commentary might work against you and discredit you. And you need to think about how valuable that following is. This will largely depend on your spectrum of product offerings. If you have a variety of products that a customer might want to come back for, or an upgradeable product suite, staying in touch with buyers could be a great thing. If your product is more of a one-time-only purchase, there's probably no recouping the time investment you will incur.

Content refreshment is one of the biggest recognized benefits of blogging. You can post quickly and easily everyday and thereby please those search engines and hungry blog-followers with new content. There's no denying that. But you need to think this throughhow much can you come up with to say about your products? Can you keep your products upfront on a blog? How many times can you spin it? And what is most important to note, what happens when your well of topics dries up? Those search engines and readers will be waiting for more, and you'll be grasping for new post ideas.

It's easy to get a blog started and keep it running for a few months, but Big Shot kind of income demands that you construct a more long-term plan. Theoretically a blog is a long-term prospect, but without something new to say, one can only live so long.

We also need to tackle the issue of being able to feature multiple products. This flies right in the face of the discussion we just had in the last chapter, doesn't it? By doing that, you're splitting apart your forces and taking the main focus away from your top-seeded efforts. You've created a marketplace of confusion, and you've made it hard to figure out what the rightsimplesolution is.

We also need to talk about blogs from a structural standpoint. Unless you can build your own blog (and even if you can this is tough...), blogs and templates do not allow for a high level of flexibility. There is a basic structure, and it is very hard to add the buttons and features in the places you need them to be. Consider, too, that sometimes the structure and design you've worked so hard for may be impacted (rearranged) by the length and amount of your postings.

Now this may sound like we're completely anti-blogging for affiliate programs, but that's simply not the case. Let's wrap this discussion up by looking at how a blog might still be a useful tool.

To Sum it all Up...

Blogs are not horrible things. They are not the bane of the affiliate. But there is too much about a blog that makes it unmanageable as a sole selling agent for affiliate products.

To be clear, we are not entirely against blogging. There is a place for those who enjoy it, and a usefulness that can certainly boost affiliate sales. But that place is secondary to the structure we've already outlined here. As are the sales that you will generate through a blog.

The distance that you get from a blog, even given their many advantages, is not worth the your investment of time and effort put forth; not from the standpoint of your primary selling tool. Rather, you would be better off relegating a blog to a secondary feeder-source of traffic and revenue.

It takes much constant, dedicated work to be a successful blogger and to maintain a blog consistently in the way that will net these benefits for you. Blogging is a lot of hard workand it never ends, or your income stream will. And plain and simply, that's just not what being a Big Shot affiliate is about. Being called a "Big Shot" affiliate marketer is not about working hard for your money, it's about working moderately hard for a few weeks, and then riding the coattails of your success. It's about minimum maintenance. And a blog is not that. Blogging is a way to make some money as an affiliate, but it's not the Big Shot way.

In conclusion, if you enjoy blogging, go for it! But don't make it the focus of your affiliate marketing plan.

Alex Alaska P. is an internet marketer who primarily promotes products & services related to generating site and blog traffic and viral list-building systems from the website:

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Blogger Tutorials - How to Use Blogger


Starting a blog using blogger can be a simple or hard process depending on how to about doing it.

If your new to blogging, Blogger may be the best choice for you to start out with. After you've gotten your feet wet a little bit, or if you want to use your blog for business purposes you can think about switching to Wordpress. Wordpress in my opinion is a much better blogging system for people who are serious about blogging. But if your just blogging for entertainment purposes, Blogger is probably sufficient for your blogging needs.

Getting started with a Blogger blog is simple, all you need to do is go to and sign up for a free blog. If you use Gmail you don't even need to create a new account, you can just use your gmail account.

After you sign-up for your blog you need to choose a name and a template for it. The subject of your blog should determine the name of it. So try to pick a name that identifies with the subject of your blog. You don't want to mislead people and then have them turn away once they get to your blog. Try to give your blog a name that people can remember.

After picking a name for your blog its time to pick a template to design your blog around. Templates are good if you don't know how to design blog templates. The template that you choose isn't permanent so if you decide that you don't like the look of your blog, later on you can change it.

Once you've finished naming and designing the look of your blog, the next step is providing content for it. You can either create original content for your blogs yourself or you can use free information on the internet for blog content.

To learn how to make money using blogs visit -

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Blogging - The Ultimate Marketing Tool


If you want to make money blogging, put aside the business card and listen up. Attempts at internet business blogging started to spring up in the nineties and have only increased in popularity.

Blogs serve the conservative, the liberal, the independent, the student, the professor, and had he been alive and in need of a new scripture, Jesus Christ himself. The freedom to speak your mind is liberating and an internet business blog is essential for future success. Below are a few gems of advice for those with an interest in internet business blogging:

- As easy as 1, 2, 3: As long as you can read and write, blogging is an invaluable tool at your dispense. Essentially, your blog is one of those college-ruled sheets with ideas in blue ink bypassing every margin; a blog is a playpen of new concepts and new business incentives, so use it wisely.

- Blogging is infused with human sincerity: The cold eyes of a gorgeous model, while effective, will never be able to evoke the same response as photographs taken of everyday citizens with a flair for fashion because authenticity sells. In your internet business blogs, strip down your hopes, dreams and ideals for the sake of reinforcing credibility between you and potential consumers. Remember that people think they can tell authenticity from miles away, so live up to your business promises.

- Blogging is free: If you want to make money blogging and can't imagine yourself feeding the market engine of capitalist America, say hello to a dream come true. Internet business blogging offers all the perks of a good marketing campaign - gaining consumer trust, explaining products to a target audience - with none of the monetary investment. In fact, if you're like most start-up businesses, money is tight and the choppy seas of your business account are not fit for a glorious ride into success.

- Blogging builds trust: When people visit blogs, they want answers, and not long winded speeches about how innovative your product has proven to be. Concentrate on building a healthy dialogue between you and clients by exploring common questions about the main topic of your blog and business.

- Use blogging as a stepping stone to success by increasing targeted visits to your site. If you plan to make money blogging, utilize email subscriptions by sending out a link to your blog with a signature to subscribers at a regular basis.

An internet business blog can bring in significant profit if you go beyond your comfort zone by enlisting RSS feeds, creating blog networks, and using your understated charm to reel in consumers. Everyone has started to make money blogging, why not you?

Ray Johnson is an Internet Marketing mastermind and is the Google.Com no.1 ranked information product eseller. Find out how you can run an internet marketing business using a blog at:

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Reasons Why a Blog is Better Than a Normal Website


Having a normal website was the way to succeed on the internet - this has been known for some time. A website opens the doors for options and numerous possibilities for the entrepreneur to take advantage of. But as of late, it has been found that having a blog can do drastic things for internet marketers.

Many are beginning to question whether it is better to have a blog than an actual web site.There are certainly perks of having a blog over a web site, but it strictly depends on the person doing the marketing.

A web site is extremely time consuming to build from ground up. There is a lot of work that goes into building one and a lot of maintenance that must be done. You must constantly be adding new content, new graphics, and sticking with the internet and its evolution.

At the same time, the sky is the limit for what you can do with a normal web site. You can promote your own products, someone else's products, various programs, and even get paid for people clicking on ads.There are great opportunities that come from having your own web site.

Blogging is great because it allows you to open up and show your true personality. It is difficult showing people who you are with a web site because you cannot talk to them conversationally except maybe through e-mail.With a blog, you can present arguments or topics and see where people take them. In addition, you can add your insights and further the conversation.

A blog does not limit you to just talking conversationally to people either. You can promote affiliate programs, promote others programs, sell products of your own and sell advertising directly from your blog. But the benefit of using a blog is you get to build that relationship with prospects before pressuring them to purchase anything. It is far easier to turn a prospect into a customer if you have gained their trust and respect.

While many are beginning to believe that having a blog is better than a normal web site, the real solution is to create both. If you would like to start one first and go from there, go ahead and start a blog. Although it is time consuming and a lot of work, the best way to have success and separate yourself from the competition is to have the two go hand-in-hand together.

Learn the best free home business marketing tips and discover how you can start and easily operate your own business from home. The Home Business Archive shows you how.Visit:

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Before you can venture into the Internet market to promote web pages you must understand a few practices in search engine optimizing. Blogging is somewhat different than other Internet marketing practices, so learning how to use Blogging to create online traffic will take some consideration.

First, you want to understand that Blog areas is a place where people post their articles, poems, business information, book excerpts and so on. On these boards are posting areas where members gather to discuss issues, changes, products, services, etc. To become a Blog member you must register at the site owner page. Only then can you post information at the Blog boards. Very few Blogging rooms may permit you to post information without registering.

Blog boards are a great place to market your business. This is because hundred of thousands of visitors meet at these Blogging rooms. It is somewhat of a chat room, yet it is structured differently and is more professional.

For this reason, you want to post social content at the web site once you become a member. After you become a member you want to frequent the room often so that you can meet other bloggers. Meeting other bloggers and advertising your business will put you in front of Internet marketing, since word gets around.

Moreover, when you post information at the Blogging boards make sure you learn some SEO strategies, such as keyword density, search engine optimizing, and so on. This is the key to attracting visitors to your Blog room. When you use keyword relevancy, quality and density combinedwhen a user types in a relevant keyword to your contentthis user will find your information easier by your content relevancy, quality and density.

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Reasons Why a Blog is Better Than a Normal Website


Having a normal website was the way to succeed on the internet - this has been known for some time. A website opens the doors for options and numerous possibilities for the entrepreneur to take advantage of. But as of late, it has been found that having a blog can do drastic things for internet marketers.

Many are beginning to question whether it is better to have a blog than an actual web site.There are certainly perks of having a blog over a web site, but it strictly depends on the person doing the marketing.

A web site is extremely time consuming to build from ground up. There is a lot of work that goes into building one and a lot of maintenance that must be done. You must constantly be adding new content, new graphics, and sticking with the internet and its evolution.

At the same time, the sky is the limit for what you can do with a normal web site. You can promote your own products, someone else's products, various programs, and even get paid for people clicking on ads.There are great opportunities that come from having your own web site.

Blogging is great because it allows you to open up and show your true personality. It is difficult showing people who you are with a web site because you cannot talk to them conversationally except maybe through e-mail.With a blog, you can present arguments or topics and see where people take them. In addition, you can add your insights and further the conversation.

A blog does not limit you to just talking conversationally to people either. You can promote affiliate programs, promote others programs, sell products of your own and sell advertising directly from your blog. But the benefit of using a blog is you get to build that relationship with prospects before pressuring them to purchase anything. It is far easier to turn a prospect into a customer if you have gained their trust and respect.

While many are beginning to believe that having a blog is better than a normal web site, the real solution is to create both. If you would like to start one first and go from there, go ahead and start a blog. Although it is time consuming and a lot of work, the best way to have success and separate yourself from the competition is to have the two go hand-in-hand together.

Learn the best free home business marketing tips and discover how you can start and easily operate your own business from home. The Home Business Archive shows you how.Visit:

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